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  • Writer's pictureMitra Nikpay

From Tires to Oceans: The Unseen Impact of Microplastic Pollution

Tire wear and tear are quietly contributing to one of the most pressing environmental issues of our time: microplastic pollution, particularly in oceans. The friction between tires and road surfaces releases tiny particles that find their way into our atmosphere, soil, and water. These particles, known as microplastics (MPs), are less than 5 mm in size and also categorized as particulate matter (PM).

🔍 The Alarming Stats:

  • In certain European countries, tires are responsible for a shocking 30-50% of total microplastic emissions.

  • According to the IUCN, tire wear contributes to 23-28% of water pollution, 3-7% of atmospheric fine particulate matter (PM2.5), and a staggering 70% of the remaining pollution is attributed to soil contamination.

🌊 Contribution to Ocean Pollution: In every water sample taken by sailors, microplastics were found, with up to 1,712 particles per cubic meter discovered off the coast of South Africa. Point Nemo, in the middle of the South Pacific Ocean, recorded 320 microplastic particles per cubic meter, compared to between nine and 41 in the last race. Astonishingly, tire dust contributes an overwhelming 78% of the total mass of microplastics, according to a 2020 report from Systemiq.

🚗 Tire Composition: Tires are intricate structures, comprised of materials like natural rubber, synthetic polymers, fillers, metals, textiles, curing agents, and additives. New tires release fewer MPs, but as they age and sustain damage, they release more particles, along with potentially harmful chemicals.

♻️ Environmental Impact: Each year, over 1.6 billion new tires are produced, but only about 100 million are recycled. The rest end up in open storage sites, landfills, or are incinerated, continuing to pollute our environment for up to a century.

🌊🌟 Revolutionizing Recycling and Separation: To tackle the pressing issue of microplastic pollution from tire wear, we must reimagine recycling and separation techniques. SATOORNIK is at the forefront of innovation, introducing groundbreaking methods such as the recent desalination approach.

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